One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Vegetarian Week: Torchy's

September 22, 2014 | Chad Conine | Around Town | Comment

I’m the grandson of a cattle rancher, so I’m not inclined to be a vegetarian. Even if I wanted to, it would be sort of a breech of family tradition. But I don’t have to worry about that because I don’t want to be a vegetarian.

But I see the value in being able to appreciate a lot of different ideas and interests. For example, I understand that not everyone loves football as much as I do. That is to say, I understand the concept, though I don’t really understand why. So I think everyone should at least be able to experience and appreciate football for a brief period, even if it’s just one game. And I think it’s easy to understand why so many people adore football.

It's late on Friday afternoon and, contrary to what you might think, that means it's time for action.

Cafe Homestead just announced an evening dinner event next Saturday (September 27), so the time to make plans to attend is now. The featured entree is pan-seared haddock and there will be one seating at 6 that evening.

For a while, I've been making periphery checks of the former Lake Brazos Steakhouse location, expecting to see signs that the new restaurant taking over would be opening soon.

Turns out, I wasn't seeing enough of the picture.

DWR (Definitive Waco Ranking): Whataburger

September 16, 2014 | Jacob Kyle Robinson | Around Town | Comment

[ NEWS ITEM: The Whataburger at Waco Drive and Valley Mills is closed for renovation this week. A sign on the drive-thru window indicates it will reopen at 3 p.m. Friday.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second installment of the Definitive Waco Rankings series. Check out guest contributor Jacob Kyle Robinson's previous entry "DWR Starbucks."

I need to write something, following up on my "9 things that bug me at fast food joints," in order to be fair.

I went to the mall Chick-Fil-A sometime after writing that piece and discovered that they have ropes delineating the line so that the problem of oblivious patrons unwittingly cutting in line is eliminated. This discovery was a byproduct of stopping by the mall Chick-Fil-A to see how the temporary closure of the Franklin Avenue store was affecting them.

You would think that writing this restaurant blog for the last three years would've led me to becoming a semi-regular at 1424. I can't explain why it hasn't, but it's something I want to change.

And, in a way, they're going to make that much easier for me in the near future. While dining at 1424 on Wednesday evening, I spoke with owner Aris Galanis about the new branch 1424 is opening on Franklin Ave.

Grrrrr .... face palm

September 10, 2014 | Chad Conine | Around Town | Comment

I'm a sportswriter so I eat too much fast food. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. In reality, I probably eat more fast food than that excuse covers, but in my defense at least I eat good fast food (Chipotle, Torchy's, Panera, etc).

I know some readers will take umbrage with my definition of "good fast food," but rest assured I'm only getting started with unpopular opinions in this blog. I am going to write something that will for sure elicit responses of #firstworldproblems. Fine. Here we go with a list of things that drive me crazy at fast food places:

Fast food nuggets

September 9, 2014 | Chad Conine | Latest News | Comment

It's been a while since I went poking around for details on the new Firehouse Subs location so I was a bit surprised to find the building where it will open being outfitted for business.

It's essentially next door to Buffalo Wild Wings and it appears to be taking shape nicely inside the to-be restaurant.

Waco feels like home to me

September 4, 2014 | Chad Conine | Around Town | Comment

I live in Waco because I want to live in Waco. I'm not going to go out of my way to prove this and I will admit that if someone offered me the right job in Chicago this afternoon, I'd be driving through Missouri by sunset.

But the way things sit right now, and given my love of things like college football and the Texas cities that are within a 90-minute drive added to the ability to live inexpensively, there's no place I would rather be. That's why I don't say things like "This place is so nice! You don't even know you're in Waco!"

After two years of fighting through construction issues, Buzzard Billy's was hoping for a big crowd and profitable day when the new McLane Stadium finally opened for business.

Instead, the day fell flat for the Brazos River-side Cajun restaurant. Buzzard Billy's owner Tracy Maughan said he and his staff were standing around looking at each other, wondering why almost no one was showing up at the game day tent they pitched.