One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Cafe Cappuccino opens in Hewitt

October 24, 2012 | Cory Webb | Latest News
Cafe Cappuccino opens in Hewitt

The new Cafe Cappuccino location in Hewitt opened this week to provide a great breakfast, brunch, and lunch option closer to home for folks living in Hewitt. No need to haul yourself all the way to the Bosque or downtown locations to get your pancake or breakfast burrito fix. Now it's just a short drive away.

My wife and I took our 2 youngest kids to the new Cafe Cappuccino in Hewitt because Chad wasn't able to go and somebody had to do it. It took a lot of arm twisting to get me to go, but somebody had to take one for the team. See what I did there? That was sarcasm. And that last sentence was pointing out the sarcasm for those that might have missed it. I'm no writer like Chad, but I think this was a really well-formed paragraph. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

The new location has a very comfortable atmosphere similar in style to the downtown location. There is a row of high-backed booths in the middle of the restaurant flanked on either side by walls that divide the restaurnt into 3 separate sections. The dining area is a large space, but the dividers make each section smaller, providing a cozier dining experience.

The food is the same fare that you would expect from the other Cafe Cappuccino locations. I had a bacon breakfast burrito while my wife enjoyed a pancake, eggs, bacon and some hash browns. My son ordered toast (he's 3), but he ended up eating half of my wife's breakfast. My daughter was content with her bottle.

We were one of only 2 parties in the restaurant, so the service was very quick and attentive. I'm assuming that we either beat the crowd or Wednesday morning just isn't a very busy time for them.

I'll leave you with my gratuitous panoramic picture from our seat in the restaurant. I just got a new iPhone, which has a panoramic photo option, so I just had to try it.

Click the photo for the full-sized image.