One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Cafe Homestead sets date for next farm-to-table dinner

February 23, 2012 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Cafe Homestead sets date for next farm-to-table dinner

It's been a pretty newsy week already with updates on Wako Roll and BJ's Brewhouse.

There's a little more today. The photograph of the piece of blueberry pie that accompanies this blog came from Cafe Homestead. While I was there today, cafe manager Derek Varejcka told me the next farm-to-table dinner has been scheduled for March 17.

Varejcka and his staff are still deciding between Italian and French menus. More on that, including which they choose and the menu specifics, as that information becomes available.

The other piece of news today is that I ate the blueberry pie and it was delicious. Obviously, this is not much of a revelation. It's what we in the "journalism business" call a dog bites man story (as opposed to man bites dog). Like man eats pie as opposed to pie eats man, which would be shocking but a heck of a way to die.

And that, my friends, is what they call a "dad joke" and apparently, according to some chattering on the WacoFork wire, is my modus operandi. Next thing you know, I'll be asking people with beards if they lost their razors.