User Review

Cafe Cappuccino - N. 6th St.


happiness is a warm pancake (sorry paul & john)
Let's be honest for a second, Internet--I'm the kind of person that thinks it's perfectly acceptable to eat cake and cookies for breakfast (go ahead, judge me). Therefore, Cafe Capp & I are probably going to be best friends for life. Normally, I order hashbrowns (slightly greasy, but still in the "A" range), scrambled eggs (maybe kind of rubbery, but, heck, I'll eat 'em), and a chocolate. chip. pancake. Not only is the pancake bigger than my face, but it also comes with some pretty righteous syrup.

The best part about Cafe Capp is there are endless, yes, ENDLESS combinations of pancakes that you can order. Apple wheat? Yes. Ginger bread? Check. Wanna go crazy and add chocolate chips to either of those? Consider it done. BE THIS HEAVEN??

I'm not much of a coffee drinker, so I can't vouch for the actual namesake, but, I hear they are pretty decent.