User Review

Lone Star Tavern


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Let me start this little review by saying that I trust Chad Connie. I trust him so much that I'll go all the way out to Bellmead on a weeknight to eat at a place where good folks from the country go and get a bite to eat. I also trust him so much that I know he'd find somewhere that I will really like to eat. I LOVE that good country folk eat at The Tavern, among other things which shall be chronicled here. That's right, I feel so comfortable that I'm just going to refer to it as "The Tavern" from here on out.

One of my first impressions of The Tavern was that they still allow smoking inside their establishment. I bet you're all, "But Mghamma, I thought that was illegal?" Calm down, ball fans. It's only illegal in McClennan county. That's right, I can get a good dose of good country cooking, camouflage apparel choices (hat? check. waders? check.), AND a little bit of smoke. All of this only increased my excitement for the pending meal.

I ate a chicken fried steak, which I feel is a good staple. It was tender and delicious. The breading (which I initially thought was cornmeal based) was actually breadcrumb based, AND IT WAS AWESOME. If you want some more back story on that breading, just ask Rene or Bobby, and I'm sure they'll tell you. The rolls were also quite legit.

All in all, it's a place you need to check out and add to your new favorites list for sure.