George's is one giant Texas cliche in all the right ways, from the Baylor memorabilia on the walls to the food on the menu. The wait staff is friendly and always keeps my glass full. I can order a Big O for breakfast. This place is truly magical.
Whoever invented the Big O deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Someone must have realized that colder temperatures subdue the flavor in beer, and that cheap beer isn't so tasty. By putting cheap beer in an ice-cold schooner that can hold liquid at that lower temperature for a longer period of time, they've made it palatable. A delicious treat. Fine, fine, I usually get Shiner, which is yummy even at normal beer serving temperatures, but the Shinercicle that is a Big O is quite delicious.
The food is consistently awesome, too. I crave George's chicken fried steak. Crave. I'm also one of those oddballs who doesn't like gravy, either, so I love that George's puts it in a little bowl on the side. George's fluffy white gravy doesn't quite taste like gravy to me, though, so I actually eat it sometimes. It's more buttery, with less of that yucky peppery/lardy/nasty? (I can't describe it, but I hate it) taste that most gravy has. Butter is awesome.
I suppose that the most surprising thing about George's is the wide variety of stuff that they have on the menu. Unlike most hole-in-the-wall/comfort food places, there's a ton of stuff to choose from. Even the list of sides is extensive, so much so that even picky people like me can find two that I'll eat. One of the most surprising things I like here is their Caesar dressing, which I love because it's more like a vinaigrette than the thick, globby stuff that most places carry. Yummy salad. Here. Who'd have guessed?
Granted, the layout kind of forces you to compromise a bit. The smoking/bar side is more fun, but you end up reeking of bar stank once you're through, and it's a pity that it closes at 12 instead of 2. It can get pretty loud on the deck, but that's part of the charm, haha. The non-smoking/restaurant side is tame enough to bring your parents to, though, but it gets packed during certain big Baylor events.
All this being said, I don't think I've had a dinner here that I haven't loved, be it breakfast, appetizers or whatever.