One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

WacoFork is a democracy (sort of), so your vote counts

February 18, 2013 | Chad Conine | Promotions
WacoFork is a democracy (sort of), so your vote counts

It's Presidents Day, which led me to an unusual realization: no one is universally popular.

Perhaps the most popular president in history, and certainly the most popular historical president at the moment, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. So that's what popularity will get you sometimes. In fact, according, Lincoln is the most popular president and JFK is No. 8. Lesson: you can win over some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but if you win over too many people, you might also want to consider living in a bullet-proof-glass bubble.

You might be thinking that I've strayed way off topic here, but I have a tie-in.

One of the most difficult things about having a website like this where we promote restaurants while encouraging people to rate and review restaurants is that there is the possibility that some restaurants will receive negative reviews. I think you will find that the majority of the reviews written on this site are mostly positive, so it's not like we're hosting a mudslinging forum.

But there are some negative reviews out there and I know no one likes to receive a negative review. This is a sensitive subject for me today because I discovered that one of the books I've published on Kindle has a new, pretty negative review. And, yeah, it stings. Throughout my writing career, I know the negative emails and reviews have impacted me way more than the positive ones.

The thing I've learned is that you have to take negative reviews as a badge of honor.

The only way you're going to receive negative feedback from someone whom you've never met is by putting something into the world. It's a risk that someone is not going to like it.

This goes for writers, musicians, artists, actors and especially restaurateurs.

That stated, we want you to think of WacoFork when you dine at a restaurant and love it. I dig giving the ok to glowing reviews of local restaurants. But if you don't have a great experience, it's ok to voice your opinion about that as well.

We have more than 700 reviews of Waco restaurants on our site, but we could always use more. So tell us your opinion.

One more bite: There are a bunch of new restaurants that haven't been reviewed yet, like Al Miraj, Louisiana Catfish & Chicken, and La Lola Loca, so be the first.