One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Dine at Chili's and help area kids in need

November 4, 2014 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Dine at Chili's and help area kids in need

Hey, who wants to go to Chili's on Thursday?

I've been given the heads up by our friend Venée Hummel that Chili's is having a give-back day to support Communities in Schools from 10:45 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, which I have to think is the entirety of their opening hours that day.

So dine at Chili's and show them the flier that we've used as the art with this blog and they will send 15 percent of your check to CIS. Good deal, huh?

Actually, what you should do is save up the whole week's dining-out budget, eat especially healthy today and tomorrow, work out and then go splurge at Chili's. Get apps and zerts (appetizers and desserts for those of you who don't know about the greatness of Tom Haverford on Parks and Recreation).

Really, what we should do is have an early-90s party and all go together wearing flannel and Dr. Martens. That's because that's when I used to dine at Chili's a lot and it would be nostalgic for me and that means that's the way it feels for everyone.

One more bite: Hummel also mentioned that Chili's does a ton to help out CIS, including sending weekend food bags home with kids who depend on school lunches during the week. That alone is a good enough reason to go there and toast them with a beverage and order some chips and queso.