One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Monday recon: Torchy's, In-N-Out crumbs

February 3, 2014 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Monday recon: Torchy's, In-N-Out crumbs

The Torchy's sign in the picture with this blog is from our Waco location.

I wish I had a whole bunch of concrete information today, but I don't. I know a sign is up and I snooped around while construction was going on, learning that the inside is making significant progress toward being outfitted for the restaurant.

Construction superintendent Joe Harris estimated the store could be open in March, but he stressed he was solely involved in construction and the timetable for opening the store was, obviously, up to the Torchy's folks.

Torchy's marketing director Brittany Platt couldn't confirm a March target for opening. She said she'll keep us updated though and we're talking about a possible WacoFork event or promotion so stay tuned.

In-N-Out circling

My latest missive to In-N-Out VP of development and planning Carl Van Fleet only revealed that In-N-Out is still in the site evaluation process for a possible Waco restaurant. I asked him about rumors that they're interested in the former Richard Karr Motors location on Valley Mills and he said the company has looked at the site on Valley Mills.

"I really don’t have a whole lot more information on that just yet," Van Fleet said. "We do hope to be in Waco in the not-too-distant future."