One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Muddle is quietly buzzing

January 17, 2014 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Muddle is quietly buzzing

Muddle opened Saturday.

I was sitting on the couch watching sports, feeling ambivalent about sitting on the couch watching sports on a Saturday night when I saw a Tweet from one of our WacoFork friends, who said she happened upon Muddle's soft opening. That exacerbated my ambivalence, but I eased my mind by telling myself I would write about the new cocktail bar's opening this week.

And so I wandered into the new Austin Avenue establishment (across the street from the Hippodrome) about 10 Thursday evening, expecting to find a few folks enjoying this spot before word really gets out and it's slammed. Too late for me. It was already hopping with well-dressed law school students (I assume they were law students as they were young and well dressed; I rolled out in jeans, T-shirt and black fleece pullover and was disappointed that I hadn't put a little more elbow grease into fashion, but lesson learned).

Anyway, I have interesting information to pass along having spoken with owners Seth Sutton and Jerry Dyer. They're planning a grand opening on Jan. 24 with live music and such. They've tentatively scheduled Dysfunction Junction to play.

Their food plan has changed since I first wrote about Muddle. Sutton said they've contracted a taco truck to be stationed in the bar's backyard. That's exciting, especially since it mirrors a proven practice of one of our neighboring cities to the south.

I've been asked several times today about the cocktail selection. I don't claim to be an expert here, but I enjoyed the Manhattan (called an Austin Ave) I drank. I'm more of a straight whiskey drinker, so I also enjoyed a glass of Balcones Texas Single Malt. The availability of this whiskey is enough to jump up the credibility of Muddle.

The rest of the cocktail menu included about 10 specialty drinks. I noticed Moscow mules being served in copper mugs, so that's another tick in the legit column. And they have a decent beer selection.

If you're feeling an itch to seriously up your going-out game, they have a bottle service area.

The soft opening continues this weekend. Note that Muddle will be closed on Sundays and Mondays.