One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

LTC working on earning stripes

August 5, 2013 | Chad Conine | Latest News
LTC working on earning stripes

Well, I'm more conflicted than anyone should be concerning the opening of a convenience store.

Stripes, which contains the fast-food taco cafe Laredo Taco Company, opened at the intersection of New Road and Bagby today. My grand plan was to hit it up after my morning warm-up at Starbucks and buy enough tacos to take home for me and my friend Giles, who usually mows my yard on Monday.

It didn't really work out. I bought way more tacos than I needed. It turns out they're more like burritos. Or at least the ones I ate today were more like burritos. One taco for me and one for Giles would've sufficed. I bought six. And Giles and I missed our connection. In related new: would anyone like a burrito delivered to the office or home?

"Just like mom wishes she made" is a slogan Laredo Taco Company boasts on its website. I don't want to get into too much criticism of a restaurant on its first day of business, but my mom makes better tacos than the ones I took home from LTC today.

I will say that the tortillas were excellent. It's very likely the most out-of-whack element were my expectations. I think I wanted somthing similar to Zacatecas right on my route from home to the office (Starbucks).

So therein lies the conflict. Don't worry, WacoFork friends, I'm fighting through it.

One more bite: Get ready for more of these Stripes stores. There are at least two more under construction that I've seen, probably more.