One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Freebirds moves up opening date

August 14, 2012 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Freebirds moves up opening date

I spoke with Freebirds regional manager Jamie Williams, who told me the World Burrito will be here even sooner than they planned.

Williams said the new target opening date is Sept. 11. When I spoke with him a few weeks ago, he was thinking it would be the following week, but apparently everything is ahead of schedule. So those of you wanting to camp out for the opening should probably start making plans. It's less than a month away.

This is one time when it will definitely pay to camp out for the opening. Freebirds invites its inaugural 25 guests to come inside for a party in which the initial patrons receive cards for a free burrito a week for a year. WacoFork is planning to sponsor a camper, so let us know if you would be up for it.

Additionally, Williams said Freebirds will be holding on-site hiring on Wednesday and Thursday. So if you're interested in employment at Freebirds, go by their location on New Road between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Wednesday or Thursday.