One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Monday Recon: new crepe and coffee bar otw

June 4, 2012 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Monday Recon: new crepe and coffee bar otw

I enjoyed a nice breakfast at the Downtown Farmers Market on Saturday, sipping coffee from Dichotomy and eating a whole mess of crepes from Co-Town Crepes.

I think I might love crepes more than Cal Naughton Jr.

And as often happens, it became a good opportunity to catch up on the restaurant rumors around town. One of my friends mentioned they saw a sign at Praetorian mentioning crepes. We asked the Co-Town folks and they said it wasn't them. So I climbed on the reconnaissance wagon on Monday morning to go check it out.

The crepe shop coming to Praetorian is Crepe and Roasters and promises to be open in the fall of 2012. More on this story as I uncover it.

Also overheard ...

Sometime during the weekend, I'm not sure when or where, I overheard two guys speaking about Jimmy John's having dibs on the lot across from Vitek's.

The recon wagon trail, therefore, led me to Jimmy John's downtown, where I learned that Jimmy John's intends to be part of a strip center set to go up there. They're hoping for early 2013.

The next Jimmy John's is planned for Bellmead.

And another thing from the WacoFork wire ...

My buddy Eugene asked us via Twitter a while back who might be applying for a TABC license next door to the downtown Jimmy John's. It turns out the sign in the window next door has been there since Jimmy John's opened a year ago. It possibly has something to do with a bed and breakfast in the building. But apparently there are no plans for a new restaurant there.

One more bite: By the way, we're a week away from BJ's Brewhouse opening.