One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Smashburger preview creates buzz, delights taste buds

November 5, 2013 | Chad Conine | Around Town

Cory and I had one of those experiences on Monday night that, as proprietors of a restaurant-guide website, we wish we could bottle up and sell to other entrepreneurs. We were able to enjoy a restaurant preview of a restaurant that is generating quite a bit of buzz in town while visiting with both users of our website and people in the restaurant business who are excited to be in our town.

Honestly, the two hours we spent at Smashburger went by too fast.

I would like to write an insightful essay telling you new things about Smashburger that we learned from the tour of the menu. The best I can do to that end is mention that Smashburger opens on Wednesday and I personally discovered that Smashburger's chicken sandwiches just might be every bit as crave-able as their burgers.

We also were given an up-close demonstration by regional manager Brad Brown of how they put the "Smash" in Smashburger. You can watch it on the video accompanying this blog. WARNING: It's basically burger porn, so it might not be suitable for vegans.

Other than that, the evening was a blur of chatting with WacoFork friends, fascinating conversations with new friends from the Smashburger company, drinking free Shiner Bock, photos, Tweets, and an endless succession of friendly people walking up to our table and saying "would you like to try ..." and, of course, the answer was always "Yes!" as I reached for whatever shake, appetizer, or mini-burger was being offered.

The one thing I've been raving about when asked about Smashburger was reinforced: the Smashfries are amazing. I definitely see "healthy" meals in my near future that consist of nothing but an order of garlic and rosemary sweet potato Smashfries.

Thanks to Smashburger for inviting us and thanks to all of you who attended and made it a fun night. And apologies to anyone who felt a rush of FOMO on Monday evening. All I can say is we tried to make the invitation process fairly democratic and we want to see you at the next event and go nom out on some Smashburger on Wednesday.


Fries and apps photo courtesy of Alison Pruett. Thanks, Alison!