One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Back in the groove at The Mix

October 9, 2013 | Chad Conine | Around Town
Back in the groove at The Mix

It's time for full disclosure, WacoFork friends.

If you've noticed the pace of blogs on WacoFork dipping from around five per week to two to three per week lately, it's because the Dr. Jekyll restaurant blogger has increasingly been running around as Mr. Hyde sportswriter. I figured I could write about football six days a week and keep up my WacoFork blogging schedule, but turns out I can't. I would like to blame this on a slow down in restaurant news, but that's probably not true. Stuff's happening. It's just that it's more fun to go to the Baylor football press luncheon than snoop around construction sites.

On the upside, I've been eating better. Getting to know fruits and vegetables a little more intimately. Well, that's not completely true. The life of a sportswriter involves working through dinner covering a ball game and rewarding oneself with brisket tacos from Taco Cabana at midnight. That kind of thing.

So it's a push. But I'm still on the beat and today that meant a stop by The Mix in Hewitt.

The Mix has been on my radar lately as it has recently started serving dinner. I went there at lunch, so maybe I missed the point a little, but see there's football that has to be watched at night. No excuse. I'm going to get by there at dinner soon because this is something Waco and particularly Hewitt need, i.e. local food prepared in such a way that you take time to enjoy it rather than having it handed to you through a window (I'm raising my guilty hand here).

As seen in the picture, I enjoyed a cup of tomato soup and a reuben. Delicious. You can go to McAlister's and get a mass-produced version of this, or you can go to The Mix and get it done well.

I'm going to get there for dinner, but don't wait on me. I tell you what, beat me to dinner there and write a review and I'll reward you with a $10 gift certificate to The Mix.