One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

The month in reviews: March Madness or winner, winner, chicken dinner

April 2, 2012 | Chad Conine | Around Town
The month in reviews: March Madness or winner, winner, chicken dinner

As promised, I put all the reviews written in March into a hat and drew a winner on Sunday. The fact that it was April Fool's Day played no factor in the results I assure you.

So congratulations to DavieGBBQ, who now gets to pick which Waco restaurant he would like to do 50 bucks worth of dining on our tab.

[ UPDATE: DavieGBBQ chose Bangkok Royal. Just thought everyone would want to know. ]

I spent this morning perusing the reviews of the last month in order to pick out a top 10 for "The Month In Reviews." It was a good month. A bunch of cute-to-funny-to-hilarious lines, including my favorite review written on our site to date. Of course, ninjacoco reviewing Hooters is a can't-miss formula for restaurant review laughs.

I'll get out of the way now. Here's March's top 10:

10) One minor complaint that I had … it smells like a drain vent is gone stray near the soda fountain, WHEW!

9) The special also comes with spring rolls and tea. Everything you need for $5.99 is in that quaint pink restaurant.

8) Perhaps this is the owners catering to American taste buds (Korean food is very very spicy!), but since we're in Texas, I think they can be a little less cautious. They do bring out hot sauce with every meal, so the customers can season to their taste.

7) I was told they were "too busy" to bring me a fork and I had the right to choose where I wanted to sho' right!!!

6) But for Waco alone, it's a solid 6.4903890l.

5) The sweet, vinegary sauce is like liquid candy … too sweet for some, but I love it.

4) The elephante is so tasty, it could and should be eaten at every meal. It is also quite large, so I always try to insert a couple hours between start and finish. That way it can at at least feel like I gave it the dignity of being truly savored.

3) All the waitresses that I've seen there seem to be fit enough to pull off silly bright orange Daisy Dukes, too. I suppose that's a good thing if you don't want to spend your entire meal thinking to yourself, "honey chile, put some clothes on that actually fit you." That's never pleasant.

2) Tom's is like the 1987 Buick Grand National of burger joints. … There's nothing super special about it from the looks, but once you've experienced it, you understand it's full potential. … If I was Don Draper I would start the brainstorming process by saying: "Tom's. True to itself. True to you." or something like that. Where's my lucky strikes?

1) Overall, 'tis mostly harmless. Only terrorists hate boobies.