One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

The month in reviews: January

January 31, 2012 | Chad Conine | Around Town
The month in reviews: January

Another month is pretty much in the books and so it's time for another installment of "The Month In Reviews."

Just a reminder, when we get to 1,000 reviews we're going to give away the latest version of the iPad to one of you reviewers. Every review counts as an entry and we still need about 300 before we get there. So there's time, but still, write some reviews this month.

Here's the Top 10 from January:

10) "My compadre got the mofangos de camarones. That is shrimp cooked in a sauce poured into a "bowl" made out of fried mashed plantains. It was really good and definitely something we'd never had before."

9) "We also love calling in, ordering a pizza and a house salad and bringing it home to eat! We can feed our family of 4 (two parents, two young children) for $10.83! Can't beat that! … Plus, the pizza is beyond yummy."

8) "Low-carb vanilla is so dense and creamy that it will trick your taste buds into thinking you're eating the fully-loaded variety! Add chopped peanuts for crunch, and you've got a guiltless dessert."

7) "If you are ever looking for something a little on the lighter, maybe slightly healthier side this is a nice little deli to hit up… and then ruin it all with one of their huge cupcakes and sweet tea… cause that’s how you roll."

6) "It might seem bizarre for me to recommending a restaurant that is located inside of a gas station/convenience store but this is some fine home cooking, you guys. I am not kidding."

5) "Friendly service, a-ma-zing food stuffs!!!! … I don't really remember what my breakfast dish was called but I'm pretty sure I had a little bit of everything on the menu. … Go eat here. … Now! (if possible)."

4) "I had to do was resist the urge to squirt the green salsa directly into my mouth."

3) "Watch out for the nervous manager guy. He's always flying around the restaurant, doing not much at all, and doing it with flourish. Let me be clear: this guy is intense. You can see why the waitstaff is so nervous."

2) " … is the new Luby's--a place so thoroughly unadventurous with its food that your aging parents are sure to love it. Mine do!"

1) "I've said before that tacos are the most genius food ever invented. They're everything you need for a meal wrapped up in a tortilla, and better yet, they're tasty. A perfect taco isn't just sustenance for the day--it's a work of art. You can practically hear the heavens open up and the angels start to sing the Hallelujah chorus with every bite. I often feel as if I am preaching the gospel of the breakfast taco to the unwashed masses who don't think that eggs belong in a tortilla because it is, in fact, a near-religious experience in your mouth."