One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Monday recon: space for 2 more restaurants

February 17, 2014 | Chad Conine | Latest News
Monday recon: space for 2 more restaurants

There will likely be two new restaurants opening up by the middle of summer across the street from Vitek's at the new 16th & Speight shopping center.

I've heard rumblings of what they might be, but nothing is confirmed yet.

I spoke with Ryan Lindsey of the Lindsey Group, which is building the center just to the east of Interstate 35 on Speight. He said the plan is to have restaurants at both ends of the building with retail between them. However, he couldn't reveal what restaurants might be looking at those spaces.

That could change in the next month or so. Hopefully, we'll know by mid-spring who the tenants will be and maybe when they're likely to open.

Stay tuned.

Jimmy John's increases coverage

The new Jimmy John's on Valley Mills opened last week, giving the sandwich chain four Waco locations. About the time we started WacoFork in 2011, JJ's was about to land here. At the time, they were hoping to have four locations open within four years. They're ahead of schedule.

The new one is in the shopping center with Mama Fu's and Smashburger. We heard a while back that The Rusty Taco was going in there too, but my contact there has gone quiet and there's nothing going on in the vacant space two doors down from Jimmy John's.

The new location is good for me on those days that I'm too lazy (or, more likely, too engrossed with sports on TV) to leave my house. It's the first one that will deliver to me. By now, Jimmy John's seems to have most of Waco covered by its super-fast delivery drivers.

One more bite: The photo with this blog is of the Elvis Fried Chicken at Chuy's. WacoFork intern Dustin Payne and I had our weekly meeting there today. I can't get enough of the EFC. Well, that's not completely true. Between the pictured plate of food and plenty of chips and salsa, I've consumed more than enough for one day. It's a handful of almonds for dinner for me.