Haven't actually tried it yet, but I've been hearing quite a bit about the new Waco restaurant that specializes in chicken wings and Kool-Aid through the WacoFork wire.
First someone told me they had seen the sign and, obviously, been intrigued by the fact that the Wing Factory advertises that it serves Kool-Aid. I have to admit that my first attempt to find it failed. I drove around the Waco Drive/Interstate 35 area but didn't hit it.
Then I spoke with someone else who had tasted the Kool-Aid and I was able to ascertain specific directions. It's at the corner of Clifton and Waco Drive and is attached to Watson Beer and Wine. I asked the second source why they would go out of the way to obtain Kool-Aid, which I assumed could be easily made by purchasing a pack of Kool-Aid powder at the store and mixing it with tap water.
I was wrong. Or I was told I was wrong. I was told that there's a process to make Kool-Aid similar to that of making sweet tea. It's supposed to be a better Kool-Aid.
At any rate, there you have it. Wing Factory apparently makes a terrific glass of Kool-Aid to wash down their chicken wing and fish offerings. I plan to give it a shot sometime soon, but don't be shy about beating me to it.