One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Captain Billy Whizzbang's reinvents the bacon burger

February 21, 2012 | Chad Conine | Around Town
Captain Billy Whizzbang's reinvents the bacon burger

The most insightful thing I ever heard enigmatic football coach Mike Leach say was that when it came to breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.

I think he meant it as a metaphor. I can't remember how or even if it applied to football.

Anyway, that metaphor is on my mind at the moment as I just finished a Whizz-pig burger at Captain Billy Whizzbang's.

A couple of weeks ago in this blog, I mentioned that Whizzbang's was having a contest to name its half ground chuck, half ground bacon burger. Over the weekend, Trent Neumann emailed me to tell me they decided on the name "Whizz-pig" because it gave a bit of a hint about the burger, but still begged customers to ask about it. Therefore, they passed on "The Ron Swanson," deciding that not enough customers would have intimate knowledge of the NBC television show "Parks and Recreation" and too many would skip past the item on the menu.

Speaking of Ron Swanson, though, I should write in the interest of full disclosure that I was in Austin on Monday evening to cover the Baylor vs. Texas basketball game. Before the game, I stopped into Frank and ordered a Carolina Pork It, which is a beef frank, wrapped in bacon and deep fried and served with pimento cheese in the bun and covered with coleslaw. That's not all. I had a bacon chocolate chip cookie for dessert. I suppose that means I'm on the Ron Swanson diet and, I'm happy to say, my stomach is hanging in there pretty well, even as my gut hangs ever farther over my belt.

So that's basically two out of three meals that combined beef and pork much to my delight. Leach would say that both the cow and the pig are committed.

Maybe you want to know a little more about the Whizz-pig. I encourage everyone to try it and write their own review. I will say that I had some imagination about how the combined ground chuck and ground bacon would taste, especially since the taste of bacon was fresh on my mind. Think of a hamburger with a distinct bacon flavor. That pretty much nails it. If the idea of a burger that tastes like bacon doesn't light you up, then I don't know, maybe this isn't for you. For the rest of us, it's crave-able to a high degree.

And now I have to go by Gourmet Gallery to pick up some Crav edamame hummus for dinner in order to counteract my considerable pig consumption of the last 24 hours.

One more bite: If anyone from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is reading this blog, understand that pretty much the whole thing is a literary device. Please don't raise my premiums.