The best restaurant guide and community in Waco, TX


We've been getting a lot of questions about WacoFork, so we thought we'd create an FAQ page to help answer those questions. If you have a question, let us know.

Do you ever remove or reject reviews?

Yes, we do remove and/or reject reviews, but only under certain circumstances. The only reasons that we will reject a review are a) if it uses foul or abusive/threatening language, or b) if it is incoherent or completely unrelated to the restaurant being reviewed. The only way that we would remove a review is if the person who wrote that review asks us to remove it. We do not remove reviews at the request of any restaurant in our directory.

Will you add ________ feature to WacoFork?

Maybe. We take all suggestions seriously and would love to implement everyone's ideas for new features. However, we have to consider overall usefulness of any new feature and determine how it would impact the site. If you have an idea, we'd love to hear it!

I own one of the restaurants listed in the directory. Can I edit my listing?

Yes, you can! Simply login to the site and browse to your listing. If you haven't already done so, you need to claim the listing. Once your claim has been verified and approved, you then "own" your listing. At that time, you can then edit your listing and reply to the reviews written on your listing. You do not have to purchase an enhanced or sponsored listing to get access to this feature. It's free! We really want to use this feature help facilitate open communication between restaurants and customers.

Why did you build WacoFork when there are other similar sites out there?

We get this question a lot, and it's a great question that we're happy to answer. The truth is, those other national sites don't care about markets the size of Waco. They don't live here, work here, and eat here like we do. We are truly a local resource, and we care about promoting and supporting local businesses. We provide insights into the local restaurant scene through our blog that other sites simply don't offer.

You misspelled the name of a restaurant! This restaurant closed! You got the address wrong!

Technically, that's not a question. But we'll go ahead and answer you as though you were asking a question. If you see a mistake in any of our restaurant listings, please let us know. We want to be as accurate as possible in our listings. We won't be offended if you point out our mistakes. We promise.

What's your favorite restaurant in Waco?

We have lots of favorites. Waco has a great selection of diverse restaurants, and we think that's great. The whole point of this site is to let the best of the best rise to the top without us having to tell you what's best.

How can we help?

I'm glad you asked. If you own or manage a restaurant, you can sponsor the ongoing development of WacoFork by advertising with us. We offer a lot of great solutions to help promote your business to our ever-growing userbase. If you love dining out, you can help out by signing up and reviewing your favorite and least favorite restaurants. Last, but certainly not least, tell your friends about us!


Put that Hot Pocket back in the freezer and explore Waco’s great restaurant scene.


Eat good food. And then eat some more. While you’re at it, have a drink too.


Have an epic meal? See a cockroach in your soup?
Rate that sucker!


Scared to try out a new place? Have no fear, check out the reviews beforehand.

One More Bite

― The WacoFork Blog ―