One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Collin Street Bakery fruit cake — a gift ready to travel

December 8, 2011 | Chad Conine | Promotions
Collin Street Bakery fruit cake — a gift ready to travel

Wow! This is one heavy pastry.

Before I go any further, let me just say that Collin Street Bakery had on display many delicious looking holiday treats. I almost bought a fudge pecan pie, which is my favorite kind of pie. But that's not what I was after.

I wanted a fruit cake.

And that's not to say that fruit cakes are not delicious or don't look delicious on display. For the record, though, there were no fruit cakes on display. That's why there's a picture of the Collin Street Bakery sign with this blog and not a picture of fruit cake.

Perhaps I could have taken the fruit cake out of the box and snapped a picture. But it's wrapped up like its a brand new DVD player. It weighs more than a DVD player, so maybe that's why.

I think they pre-pack it, so it's ready to mail. Why would someone mail a fruit cake? Because it's the kind of gift a person mails to friends or relatives who won't be visited for the holidays. Also, it's not the kind of gift that makes the giver want to be present when it's opened.

I'm being kind of harsh to the fruit cake, I guess. I should be careful. I can imagine a scenario where I wind up spending Christmas in the hospital because this 5-pound hunk of cake and fruit somehow hits me in the head in an unmistakable act of karma.

Did I mention the fruit cake is heavy? Seriously, it's 4-pounds, 14-ounces.

But I didn't buy this dessert just to make fun of its gravitational significance. I actually want to give it to someone in the WacoFork family. Not the same way that I might give it to my second cousin or the co-worker in the cubicle across from mine. No, I want to give the gift that keeps on gifting.

Here's our gag. I'll give someone the fruit cake and then tweet "@wacofork gave @asyetundeterminedperson a fruit cake. #wacoforkfruitcake."

And then, what I think will happen is that the person who receives the fruit cake will pass it on — perhaps at a white elephant Christmas party or maybe just for a laugh — and then tweet "@wacofork gave me a fruit cake and I gave it to @thenextperson. #wacoforkfruitcake" and we will see how far it goes.

Sounds like fun, right?

So who wants the fruit cake? Tweet at us or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

It's the 1st annual Fabulous WacoFork Fruit Cake Fiasco.