It's going to be a busy month. The kind where I really need to keep a calendar because I can't keep it all straight in my brain. One of the things I definitely have down is the Cupcakes & Cocktails event on May 16 at Sironia.
This is a quarterly affair that just popped up on our radar when Sironia partnered with us earlier this year. For free stuff (food and drink and more) it doesn't get much better than this event.
Sironia will host the party in its store and cafe from 5-7 p.m. Sloppy Joe's Brian and Jeremy will play music and announce door-prize winners every 15 minutes. Prizes range from candle sets to $500 gift certificates. While you're waiting to see if you won the next door prize, there will be plenty of cocktails, cupcakes and other appetizers to hold your attention.
All of that for free. Like Credence Clearwater Revival said, it don't cost a penny just to hang around. But if you want to lay your nickel down, there will be value in that too. Sironia's vendors offer deals ranging from 10-50 percent off items during the party.
I could give you more reasons to plan to attend this thing, but I don't think I need to because there's plenty here already. Just do it.