Confession: I'm not sure if I'm convinced that taco truck tacos are delicious. They're inexpensive and it's a low-maintenance way to grab lunch. And sure, the tacos make for a tasty treat.
But I sort of think they're all the same and I'm skeptical that a taco truck dinner could ever fully satisfy me.
This, of course, is meant as a challenge. I want a taco truck to prove me wrong and perhaps Taqueria El Crucero's truck at Common Grounds will meet that challenge.
For the moment, I'm willing to try something new when I hear it has promise. That was the case when I pulled into the vacant South 18th Street parking lot where the Panda Joe's Tacos truck is currently parked.
In the mood for a snack, I ordered two pastor tacos. They came with red and green salsas, both of which were intriguing, though I thought the green salsa brought way more to the taco.
Ultimately, it made for a nice snack, so I suppose it accomplished its purpose. But if I'm going to make a meal out of something so simple, I might as well go uber-healthy. Then I would at least feel as if I accomplished something.