One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

Making a good Eat Well Waco choice at Pho Cafe Saigon

September 16, 2011 | Chad Conine | Around Town
Making a good Eat Well Waco choice at Pho Cafe Saigon

If you've been following this blog this week, you'll know that I've been making an effort this week to eat a little healthier with the help of the McLennan County Publich Health District's Eat Well Waco project.

Have I been perfect? By no means.

Have I even been good? Debatable.

But have I been thinking about it and trying to be wiser? Yep.

To that end, I went to Pho Cafe Saigon in China Spring because it is on Eat Well Waco's list. PCS owner Paul Tran is still working on the specifics of the restaurant's Eat Well Waco menu suggestions, but he was helpful in showing me what would be on it.

I chose chicken pho, even though I haven't been a big pho eater in the past. When it comes to Vietnamese food, I'm far more likely to choose bulgogi or fried rice.

It was tasty and healthy, so score. If you're familiar with this blog, you know I don't like to get into rating and reviewing restaurants. We leave that to our WacoFork users, especially since they do a way better job of it than I could.

But I will say this: it seems the greener the jalapeƱo pepper the hotter. See those kelly green bad boys in the photo with this blog? Yeah. They lit me up.