One More Bite

The WacoFork Blog

What's next?

May 13, 2014 | Chad Conine | Around Town
What's next?

Friends, in the past two years, our town has welcomed some pretty fantastic newcomers to town.

To hit the highlights, Torchy's, Freebirds and BJ's Brewhouse have arrived and we have pretty solid information that In-N-Out will be coming in the near future. All of that development has happened alongside locals who are innovating and putting their money where their mouths are in terms of betting on Waco.

Whether it's that or the fabulous McLane Stadium nearing completion on Interstate 35 and the Brazos River, we are attracting heavy hitters and I received a tip over the weekend that makes me believe we've only just begun.

Two of Texas' most esteemed entities, one of which is a restaurant, are giving us the eye. I spoke with Legends Crossing representative Jimmy Banks this morning and he confirmed that a restaurant and a retail center are in the planning stages and construction could begin in the next 90 days. He said he couldn't talk about the places I asked about because of confidentiality agreements in place.

So I'm asking you, WacoFork friends, to dream big and tell us what you'd like to see come to town next. And I'm suggesting that you swing for the fence on this one.